The first step is to download the Lineaje CLI from the Lineaje portal, register the CLI and store it in a s3 (or an equivalent storage based on the cloud provider) location that will be accessible for the CICD pipeline
Create a s3 folder under a bucker that is accessible for the CICD pipeline (s3:<bucketname>/lineaje-cli)
Follow the CLI installation guide
Copy the veecli executable to the s3 location (s3:<bucketname>/lineaje-cli/veecli). On a regular interval, update the veecli with newer version by downloading the copy from Lineaje application. A new version does NOT require a re-registration.
Locate the config.json, present in the same directory as that of veecli, and copy it to s3 location (s3:<bucketname>/lineaje-cli/config.json). config.json has the tenant, token and other information that is necessary to connect to Lineaje backend
Create a new json file, name it as input-src.json with the below content. This serves as a template for input that should be passed to Lineaje CLI. Store the file in s3 (s3:<bucketname>/lineaje-cli/input-src.json)
To summarize, the s3 folder should have the below files
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