Unified Scanner for AWS
Usage Instructions
Installation Steps
Create a Lineaje Account using Create an account
Subscribe and Select Launch configuration
From AWS Marketplace i.e. https://aws.amazon.com/marketplace
Subscribe to the Product
After successful subscription, Click on continue to configuration
From AWS Console i.e. console.aws.amazon.com/marketplace
Select the product
Click on Action and select Launch Cloudformation Stack
Select the Cloudformation template, its version to deploy and aws region for the stack to be deployed
Select Action - Launch Cloudformation
Click Next for providing Stack details
Provide the following stack details in the form, and Click Next
Stack Name
Lineaje Device Code
Instance Type
Subnet Id
Key Pair
Provide Stack Options (Optional) and Click Next
Review the Cloudformation Stack. Approve the IAM Role Creation. And Launch Stack
After the sucessful, creation of stack. Check the stack output. The Installation status should be successful.
If Installation Status is not successful, the error should be self explainatory. If not, forward the error to support.
Customer's Data Usage
Lineaje does not ask or store any customer's personal data for AMI Deployment
Device Code is ephemeral entity and expires after 5 minutes.
AWS ECR Image layers are analysed inside the EC2 Instance Only.
Generated SBOMs are only uploaded to Lineaje SaaS.
Cloudformation Resources
Following resources are created in Customers AWS Account
1. AWSResourceAccessRole
Type: AWS::IAM::Role
This role is created for EC2 instances to assume and perform specific actions. The AssumeRolePolicyDocument
allows the EC2 service (ec2.amazonaws.com
) to assume this role. The role grants permissions for actions such as managing SSM parameters, accessing ECR repositories, and logging actions.
ssm:PutParameter: This allows the EC2 instance to store parameters related to the unified scanner under a specific SSM parameter path.
ECR Permissions: Grants the instance access to ECR to describe repositories and scan image findings. This is useful for working with container images, scanning them, and retrieving data.
Metering Usage: The policy also includes permission to meter usage in AWS Marketplace. Ir is necessary to bill for the usage.
Logging Permissions: The role grants permissions for creating and managing CloudWatch logs to monitor the instance's actions.
2. LineajeInstanceProfile
Type: AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile
This resource creates an instance profile that associates the AWSResourceAccessRole
with EC2 instances. An instance profile allows the EC2 instance to assume the IAM role and execute the defined policies.
Provides the EC2 instance with the permissions defined in
, enabling it to access services such as SSM, ECR, and CloudWatch.
3. LineajeSecurityGroup
Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
The security group is configured to control network access to the EC2 instance. It allows inbound traffic on port 22 (for SSH access) and port 8080 (for the application running on the instance). All outbound traffic is permitted by the security group.
Port 22 (SSH): Allows access to the instance for secure management and configuration.
Port 8080: Used for HTTP traffic or communication between the instance and other services.
Port 8443: Used for HTTPS traffic or communication between the instance and other services.
SecurityGroupEgress: Allows the instance to communicate outbound over any protocol to the internet or other AWS services.
4. LineajeUnifiedScannerEC2Instance
Type: AWS::EC2::Instance
This resource creates an EC2 instance where the unified scanner will run. The instance is assigned an AMI (ImageId
), instance type, SSH key, security group, and block device mapping. Additionally, user data is passed to the instance for bootstrapping, which includes an email as part of the configuration.
AMI: The image ID refers to a predefined AMI that the EC2 instance will launch from.
Instance Type: The instance type is either a custom type or a default type based on the parameters provided.
Block Device Mappings: Ensures that the root volume is an EBS volume with 50 GB of storage, with the option to delete upon termination.
UserData: The
section adds provided email address, used for initial configuration of instance.
Get the Device Code for the AMI
Logon to SBOM360 portal (https://app.veedna.com)
Click on "Integrations" icon
Click on "Register AMI"
Click on "Verify Device". It will redirect to login page.
Provide the SBOM360 credentials when prompted the login page. If credentials are cached, then it may not prompt for the SBOM360 credentials again.
Click on “Confirm”
Copy the generated SBOM360 Portal Page.
Last updated