Project creation using Lineaje cloud
Pipeline samples demonstrating the project creation using Lineaje Cloud
Bitbucket pipeline example
Here is an example of bitbucket-pipelines.yml. It assumes a user access token (REPO_ACCESS_TOKEN) is created for the project and stored under BitBucket->Project Settings->Respository Variables
image: atlassian/default-image:3
# This step exports all env variables required for other steps and stores it in
# build.env. build.env is then made available as artifacts thus making sure all
# steps have access to these env variables
- step: &set-version-variables
name: Set Version Variables
- export VERSION=${VERSION:-1.0.0}
- echo export VERSION=${VERSION} >> build.env
- echo export REPO_ACCESS_TOKEN=${REPO_ACCESS_TOKEN} >> build.env
- echo "Version set to $VERSION"
- build.env
# This step triggers a project creation using Lineaje cloud
# veecli upload command supports trigeering the project in Lineaje cloud
# veecli accepts a json file as an input that has all inputs about the source code
# including the url, version, the branch/tag, type, username/token to access the code
- step: &generate-project-from-src
name: generate project from src
# Use amazon/aws-cli as the base image for this step as we have to issue s3 commands
image: amazon/aws-cli:latest
# Make sure to include build.env
- source build.env
# Define your aws access keys. This can come from repository variables for your project
# This can be configured under BitBucket->Project Settings
- export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-west-2
# PROJECT_NAME: The project in Lineaje portal will be shown with PROJECT_NAME
# $BITBUCKET_REPO_SLUG is the standard BB variabe that carries the project name
# You can change this if required
# REPO_URL: Repo url that can be accssed via Lineaje Cloud
# REPO_TYPE: Repo type. Accepted values are "github", "bitbucket", "gitlab", "git"
# REPO_USER: Username who has access to this repo. This can come from repository variable.
- export PROJECT_NAME="$REPO_NAME-repo"
- export REPO_URL="<project>/$REPO_NAME"
- export REPO_TYPE="bitbucket"
- export REPO_USER="user-abc"
# Copy the Lineaje tool from s3 location
# Refer Pre-Requisites section to learn more.
- aws s3 cp s3:<bucketname>/lineaje-cli/config.json .
- aws s3 cp s3:<bucketname>/lineaje-cli/veecli .
- aws s3 cp s3:<bucketname>/lineaje-cli/input-src.json .
- chmod +x veecli
- chmod +w input-src.json
# install jq. This tool wil be used to edit input-src.json
- yum update --assumeyes
- yum install --assumeyes jq
# update the input-src.json
# Update the project, version, srcurl, type, matchingref (branch/tag)
# Update the credentails under repository_access_configs
- tmp=$(mktemp)
- jq '.project = env.PROJECT_NAME' input-src.json > "$tmp" && mv "$tmp" input-src.json
- jq '.version = env.VERSION' input-src.json > "$tmp" && mv "$tmp" input-src.json
- jq '.inputs[].SrcInfo.srcurl = env.REPO_URL' input-src.json > "$tmp" && mv "$tmp" input-src.json
- jq '.inputs[].SrcInfo.type = env.REPO_TYPE' input-src.json > "$tmp" && mv "$tmp" input-src.json
- jq '.inputs[].SrcInfo.matchingref = env.TAG' input-src.json > "$tmp" && mv "$tmp" input-src.json
- jq '.repository_access_configs[].path = env.REPO_URL' input-src.json > "$tmp" && mv "$tmp" input-src.json
- jq '.repository_access_configs[].type = env.REPO_TYPE' input-src.json > "$tmp" && mv "$tmp" input-src.json
- jq '.repository_access_configs[].user_name = env.REPO_USER' input-src.json > "$tmp" && mv "$tmp" input-src.json
- jq '.repository_access_configs[].token = env.REPO_ACCESS_TOKEN' input-src.json > "$tmp" && mv "$tmp" input-src.json
- jq . input-src.json
# Trigger the project creation job in Lineaje cloud
# This step will only trigger the job in Lineaje cloud and return back
- ./veecli upload --input input-src.json --type cli
- step: *set-version-variables
# Below 4 steps are just for illustration
#- step: *build-artifacts
#- step: *upload-artifacts-to-artifactory
#- step: *push-image-to-prod
#- step: *tag-branch
- step: *generate-project-from-src
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